Our Vision

GlobeMed aims to strengthen the movement for global health equity by empowering students and communities to work together to improve the health of people living in poverty around the world.

The GlobeMed Model

The campaigns committee works throughout the year to organize quarterly events to raise funds for our partner. These funds are then used by the partner organization to complete projects that are deemed the most important in the community.

Each summer, 4-6 interns from our chapter head over to complete on-site projects with our partner organization for a duration of 6-8 weeks.

Over the course of the year, we host documentary viewings, tabling events, coffee nights, and other events to raise awareness across campus for important global health issues. This last year, we tabled for World AIDS day, World Day of Social Justice, World Health Day, and Global Mental Health Day.

A key component of our weekly meetings is ghU (Global Health University). We spend 25-30 mins discussing, debating and learning about relevant global health issues

We believe that change comes from the ground up, with the ultimate power of decision-making in the hands of the community with which we partner. This is the most effective way to bring about positive change. We are currently partnered with NECOFA, an eco-farming and community health organization located in Molo, Kenya.


Past Partner - MINDS (2014)

The first batch of interns came to MINDS in July 2014. GlobeMed fundraised throughout the school year for MINDS to support its field programs in Gujarat. Regular updates between Amul, MINDS program manager, and GlobeMed chapter members about the partnership

We observed MINDS programs to help simplify the current data collection system and Establish a MIS (Monthly Information System), a way for MINDS to keep track of data and produce quarterly and annual reports.

Our Chapter

We are a chapter of 35+ undergraduate students at UW, focusing on partnership and solidarity as a means of mobilizing resources to achieve global health equity. The national GlobeMed Organization matches each university chapter with a unique grassroots organization for a multi-year partnership. Together, they design projects to improve the partner community's health.




Each weekly meeting consists of a 25-30 minute discussion of relevant local and global health issues. Many times, these issues are intertwined with the social, political and cultural aspects of the society. Through debates, small group discussions, large group discussions, articles, short videos and other media, we strive to increase our global health knowledge as a chapter.


Our communications committee is responsible for maintaining our social media presence, marketing events and campaigns, connecting our chapter to other chapters nationwide, and ensuring that chapter members have information about weekly meetings and other important events.


Our campaigns committee is responsible for organizing, planning, and executing fundraising events throughout the year. We generally have one large event per quarter. GlobeMed at UW is proud to be the host of our annual benefit dinner which, for the past two years has been the highest grossing event for any chapter nationwide.

Community Building

As a chapter, we strive to not only connect with each other and get to know one another as individuals but also to know students from other student organizations who have similar ambitions of changing the world one step at a time. Our community building committee organizes events for chapter members to relax and get to know each other outside of meetings and networks across campus.


 A major portion of the GlobeMed model focuses on the strength of the relationship between the partner organization and the GlobeMed chapter, this committee is imperative in the establishment and maintenance of our relationship with NECOFA. We aim to ensure that our partner organization realizes that they hold the power to make the decisions that will benefit their community the best and that we are simply catalysts for their growth.

GlobeMed Network

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